Half of workers are clueless about the meaning of new words

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Workers in Derbyshire are not as clued up on new words as those in other parts of the country.

Three thousand people nationwide were quizzed about the 650-plus words and phrases, such as fantoosh or eeksie-peeksie, which have been added this year to the Oxford English Dictionary. Responders in Derby notched up a score of 54% - two percent below the national average

The sruvey found that just over half (53%) of Brits have admitted using a word in a sentence without knowing its true meaning.

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First impressions count when it comes to job interviews, according to the survey carried out by Purple CV. More than three-quarters (77%) of managers said they would be more likely to hire an applicant who uses a wide and varied vocabulary. while 81% say that candidates using a word in the wrong sense is unforgivable. Interestingly, 55% of managers say they dislike slang or abbreviations being used in the workplace.

Andrew Arkley from Purple CV said: "‘It’s important to know how to communicate effectively and appropriately in your field of work, Learning the language will help improve your application and interview skills and hopefully, get you hired!’

The survey found that a third of single Brits said they would be attracted to somebody if they had an expansive vocabulary and three-quarters of singletons would cancel a date if the other person repeatedly made grammatical errors in messages.

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